21 year old cat, nodule near CVC

21 yo cat. Intermittent decreased appetite. Stage 2 CKD. BSC 4/9.

U/S: cysts in kidneys, thickened pancreas. Nothing exciting for a geriatric cat.

Completely anechoic 1cm wide by 2cm long oval structure, between the aorta and the CVC on the R side, near R kidney. No blood flow on doppler.

Adrenals were WNL.

What is this? Aortic LN? Aneurysm? Pancreatic nodule?



8 responses to “21 year old cat, nodule near CVC”

  1. it looks like a mesenteric

    it looks like a mesenteric cyst superimposing the vessels. I doubt its pathological and its non vascular and anechoic. Old cats do odd things in thier abdomen:)

  2. Just saw something similar to

    Just saw something similar to this in one of my patients.  Thought it was perhaps a pancreatic cyst.  Will post a pic if I can when I get back to my office. Similar location.

  3. Sorry, but I am unable to

    Sorry, but I am unable to upload a still to your post (geting an error message). Video clips actually show it off best. The cyst is located cranial to the right kidney and dorsal to the orad descending duodenum.  Because of it’s location and close association with the pancreas, I called it a pancreatic cyst.


  4. comments can only have still

    comments can only have still images but you can start anothe rthread if you wish and link the url to it in a comment here on this thread. Limitations of the interface unfortunately.

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