is this kidney in the abessinean cat normal or to dense in the center/pelvis -amyloidosis?

hi out there – 

I have a seven year old male Abessinian cat with a high SDMA (IDEXX 23µg/dl) and a CREA of 211µmol/l , UREA and Phos normal; he trinks more and looses some weigth, but is in a good mood and is eating well;

do you see any singn on the ulttrasound poictures and on the videos of amyloidosis, – is the “dense” center of the kidneys normal or suspicious?

thanks a lot!

it is my – the vets cat…


hi out there – 

I have a seven year old male Abessinian cat with a high SDMA (IDEXX 23µg/dl) and a CREA of 211µmol/l , UREA and Phos normal; he trinks more and looses some weigth, but is in a good mood and is eating well;

do you see any singn on the ulttrasound poictures and on the videos of amyloidosis, – is the “dense” center of the kidneys normal or suspicious?

thanks a lot!

it is my – the vets cat…


3 responses to “is this kidney in the abessinean cat normal or to dense in the center/pelvis -amyloidosis?”

  1. Im seeing thickened cortices,

    Im seeing thickened cortices, microinfarcts, trace pyelectasia, and irregular contour fits more with interstitial nephrosis but you can fna the renal cortex and ask for special staining I think congo red not sure for amyloid. Amyloid dumps protein as well so need significant proteinuria

    • thank you very much for your

      thank you very much for your comment – first I will make a urine analysis to look for proteinuria


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