
15 yo M/N Siamese cat with 4# weight loss over the last few months, recent anorexia and diarrhea.

Bloodwork NSF.

U/s: some fluid in stomach and duodenum, most jejunal loops are dilated with anechoic fluid, thickened with prominent muscularis, one loop has a focal loss of layers, normal IC junction and colon, 5mm reactive LN jejunal, colic. 

Is that an intussusception (due to GI mass) or just badly folded/corrugated guts/ileus? Extremely painful to the patient upper left quadrant.

15 yo M/N Siamese cat with 4# weight loss over the last few months, recent anorexia and diarrhea.

Bloodwork NSF.

U/s: some fluid in stomach and duodenum, most jejunal loops are dilated with anechoic fluid, thickened with prominent muscularis, one loop has a focal loss of layers, normal IC junction and colon, 5mm reactive LN jejunal, colic. 

Is that an intussusception (due to GI mass) or just badly folded/corrugated guts/ileus? Extremely painful to the patient upper left quadrant.

Rec’ exploratory ASAP. I don’t have an update, owner may have chosen euth. 

Thanks for your input!


2 responses to “Intussusception?”

  1. if its an intussusception its

    if its an intussusception its just starting. Im assuming this isnt the icj and the dilation isnt the cecum as ileus will cause dilation of the ceceum as will typhlitis.

  2. Hi Eric,
    Correct. I have a

    Hi Eric,

    Correct. I have a nice picture of the IC junction going into the colon, no issue there. I did not see the cecum though.

    This looked like jejunum, upper left side of abdomen, cranial to left kidney, as far I can tell. Empty jejunum distal to the “folding” and dilated guts cranial to it. no pretty onion ring, but it looks so weird!

    thank you for your input!

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