Chronic diaphragmatic hernia vs pulmonary mass

Hemingway is a 14 yr old MN, Chihuahua weighing 5.6#. He is a rescue and has a rear limb amputation from a previous trauma.

He is being evaluated for a suspicious area on the thoracic/abdominal radiographs that was concerning for a possible diaphragmatic hernia. RDVM was wondering if there had been a small tear and there might be gastrointestinal contents trapped inside.

Scanning subcostally through the liver and to just the right of midline near gall bladder and hepatic hilus. Kinda feel like this looks like a pulmonary mass but it looks like some of the stomach seems to cross into the thoracic cavity.

Would love an extra set of eyes on this for another opinion.

Thank you!

2 responses to “Chronic diaphragmatic hernia vs pulmonary mass”

  1. Looks like a hiatal hernia

    Looks like a hiatal hernia but im concerned about that being an esophageal mass cranial to the diaphragm. Scope and bx first, CT second would be my next move.

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