Hot Lymph Nodes And Anorexia

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Hi Eric,

Can you tell me more about the pain at the mesenteric root?  What is causing it, ie the infiltrates into the lymph nodes per se or ?  His peripheral nodes never seemed too tender and I would agree about the pain, so want to understand it better.

I have had good success with the integrative approach; have other lymphoma dogs in remission 12 months so far without having to use tradition chemo protocols as is this client’s wish.  So, I have re-directed herbal therapy to below the diaphragm (liver, root of mesentery, etc) and we are hoping for further success!

Thanks so much for your help!

Marnee Madsen

Hi marnee, sonographically whenever there is ill defined hyperechoic reactive mesentery around capsule of a hypoechoic LN like in toby’s case, whether lymphoma or aggressive lymphadenitis it usually means some pain involved. Just think of the last swollen ln you may have had personally and multiply it.  When I scan these types of LNs they usually show a focal murphy sign (+pain on probe) and may take me getting right  down on the node to solicit it. Depends on the pet demeanor though as some are more docile than others. Lymphoma nodes are like pinching on a grape and “burst at the seams” stretching the capsule til it breaks owing to the uncontrolled growth>>>has to go somewhere so it breaks out. The visual makes the pain thing drop into place pretty well. Take the pain away and tx the underlying disease and you may get the appetite back but these nodes are hot and moving fast.

Hope this helps and best regards,

Eric Lindquist DMV DABVP (Canien & Feline Practice)
Cert./Pres. IVUSS
“If you obey all the rules. You miss all the fun.” – Katharine Hepburn

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