Welcome to all new and seasoned veterinary technicians.

This forum is for you, the veterinary technician community.  Feel free to post up any questions or comments regarding your day to day nursing care, helpful tips from your clinic, hospital protocols, difficult situations that you have run into and found solutions for, or anything you can think of.  We are here to work with you as a team to improve the quality of care for your patients and clients.  We also hope to provide a supportive network for all of us, sort of a “virtual linking of hands and minds” to help all of us cope in our day to day work life and unique (and very special!) position in the veterinary community. This forum is for techs only, so let’s use it to the fullest and have fun with it!  Let’s celebrate the great things that happen to us, and share the more challenging and heart-wrenching experiences. Please contribute or ask away.  We value your thoughts and are here to help!

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