azotemia and renal cyst

14 year old MN Pomeranian with acute azotemia following general anesthesia last month for cataracts (previous renal values were normal). Ultrasound shows this cystic structure as well as an enlarged and somewhat lobulated/anechoic left adrenal gland (hx of PU/PD and mild intermittent vomiting). Would you drain this cyst and how would you classify it? How likely for it to grow back? Since he is azotemic and somewhat uncomfortable in that region, assuming I should try to drain it? He does have mild evidence of a UTI on UA

One response to “azotemia and renal cyst”

  1. Looks like an echogenic cyst may be infected… Can drain it but go through the region with cortical parenchyma to avoid leakage as the cortex will seal off the needle as opposed to “popping” the cyst by going through the thin capsule. May have to remove the kidney if its a chronic nodus and may not be very functional anyway. sorry for the delay during our site upheaval. should be good going forward wiht teaks here and there

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