
A 12-year-old female persian cat was referred by the RDVM for abdominal ultrasound with the complain of chronic diarrhea. PCKD was found with several cysts in the liver. I also found a highly dilated muco bile duct. It was hard to trace it back to the gall bladder as the liver had several cysts and distinguising gall bladder from cysts was not possible – at least for me. What do you think can the chronic diarrhea be caused by the muco bile duct – less bile flow to the intestines and then maldigestion, leading to diarrhea. Few loops of the intestines were thickened also

4 responses to “Mucobileduct”

  1. Yeh its possible there may be relationship or an incidental comorbidity. Great view. Try ursodiol for about 6 weeks and recheck the sonogram. Chronic cbd dilation can occur without bili elevation in cats especially. Possibly a dysfunctional duodenal papilla if chronic Gi changes are present in the duodenum

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