Enlarged PV in a kitten

– 5 month old shelter kitten with a history of “poor-doing” at the sheleter

– presented for fever, intermittent anorexia and tongue ulcers (suspect calici)

– abdominal ultrasound unremarkabel except for enlarged jejunal and medial iliac LN’s and a very large PV 

– the PV appears to be tortuous with a high velocity flow

– the CVC appears to be normal up until the diaphragm with laminar flow

– I could  not attach this PV to anythng 

Could this be some sort of shunt? PV anomoly?



One response to “Enlarged PV in a kitten”

  1. The pattern is curving first toward the pylorus (red) then away dorsally (blue) as a  gastrocaval or gastroazygos shunt would do. You would need to follow the blue vessel in video 2 dorsally as you are imaging the dorsal part of that vessel at an angle as it will turn and go into the cvc or the azygos. See what the BA says and then maybe follow that blue vessel with respect to the diaphragm and aorta before and cranial to the diaphragm and look for the double aorta.

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