this is a 5 years old “hands off” cat . Very aggressive even with Gabapentin on board
Always had a greade 3/6 heart murmur, no arrhytmias.Clinically doing great but has dental disease and needs some extractions
BW results, including BNP is pending- should have results tomorrow
We did only a focal limited echo as he lost patience
Would you agree that he has HCM with normal or mild increase in size LA only ?
can I consider him compensated with moderate anesthetic risk based on this images/ clips .
If BP on NIBP ( only one we could get ) was 190-210 systolic – I shold get the BP under control before sx ?
Thank you !
2 responses to “HCM – how high anesthetic risk”
BNP was high at 707 ( 7 times the normal)
Does this change anything? If the function appears normal, LA/ Ao still in normal do you recommend any meds? Beside Amlodipine for BP?
LV is a little thick but volumes are fine so i think anesthesia risk is minimal. Torb, propofol, iso would be my choice.