Fused kidneys

Hope someone has seen this before.
In fact, I did a search for fused kidneys and found another entry, but that cat has had a renal transplant, so not quite my patient. 
This is a young cat, gradual onset, unwell, pyrexia and abdo pain. A mass was palpated in dorso-caudal abdomen. 
Scan shows fused kidneys? I am assuming this is a congenital abnormality , and there may be a secondary pyelonephritis causing pain, but no pyelectasia. Doppler positive , so renal torsion unlikely?  Is that even possible?
She has responded to 24 hrs antibiotics. Still painful scanning over the kidneys . 

2 responses to “Fused kidneys”

  1. sorry i missed this thread yes its a congenital defect and i have cases wiht even 3 kidneys not transplanted. Thx for the article. Regarding Tx its just a matter of doing what you normally would clincially . In the cases that I have there wasnt a functional issue wiht the kidney fusion.

  2. I know of another veterinarian whose daughter has one fused kidney instead of two.  She was very athletic and competed in gymnastics.  As far as I know, she did not suffer any serious adverse consequences.  It is certainly possible there could be an increased risk for infection.  Have not done a literature search ;).

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