A 12-year-old female neutered pug was presented with the complain of chromic hematurina. Blood test was normal. During the exam, I found some mass effect in the right adrenal gland and probably a nodule in the right adrenal. The hypoechoic circular structure in the video doesn’t seem to be attached to the right adrenal and the nodule identified in the right adrenal and the hypoechoic strcuture seem two distinct structures. No clinical signs of cushing or pheochromocytoma, except that the abdomen has some focal hyperp-pigmented spots. The urinary bladder was thickened and irregular. And the findings in the right adrenal or peri-right adrenal gland were incidental
6 responses to “Right Adrenal Tumor or Nor”
the far left on video one shows a normal right adrenal. The last video shows the normal right adrenal on the left and the left adrenal distal to the cvc on the right of the screen… This is the left adrenal form the right approach so you got both adrenals in from the right side. Both adrenals appear normal.
Thanks Erric for the reply. I agree with that. How about the round hypoechoic structure which appears in the first video
I see sm int in the near field then vena cava then aorta both obliqued reading top to bottom on the screen and adrenal on the mid field on the left also obliqued… cranial pole is wider and further down the screen and caudal pole further up the screen.. Not sure about anything else hypoechoic. Bring the probe tail cranially to avoid the oblique approach here in sdep 14 and everything flattens out starting with the cvc which should be long and tubular across the screen.
I have attached another picture with the post, marking that strcuture. It appears in the video on the left at 00:02 seconds
I have attached with file attachments also
Im pretty sure that is artifact owing to that ray of acoustic shadowing