A 12-year-old spayed female Burmese cat was presented for evaluation of renal disease, weight loss, and anorexia. Urinalysis showed isosthenuria and azotemia were present on blood work. CBC was normal.
A 12-year-old spayed female Burmese cat was presented for evaluation of renal disease, weight loss, and anorexia. Urinalysis showed isosthenuria and azotemia were present on blood work. CBC was normal.
End-stage renal disease, acute kidney injury, pyelonephritis, renoliths, ureteroliths, potassium-losing nephropathy, neoplasia.
The right kidney presented chronic dystrophic changes with an interstitial nephrosis pattern, subnormal size (2.67 cm), loss of corticomedullary detail and microinfarcts. Pyelectasia was noted, and measured 0.17 cm. The left kidney revealed mild to moderate hydronephrosis at 1.5 x 1.5 cm, with minor dystrophic mineralization at the corticomedullary junction. There was also a left hydroureter with echogenic debris, and a hyperechoic inflammatory pattern surrounding the proximal ureter measuring 0.35 cm in width. The left ureter was followed caudally and was tortuous. It appeared to be obstructed by small calculus approximately 3.0 cm distal from the left renal pelvis. The left kidney was swollen in contour and measured 4.1 cm.