RAD – Redundant tracheal membrane causing inspiratory upper airway obstruction in a 4 year old MN Rat Terrier


This 4 year old MN Rat Terrier dog presented with acutre multiple episodes of reverse sneezing.

This 4 year old MN Rat Terrier dog presented with acutre multiple episodes of reverse sneezing.


Inspiratory obstruction of the upper airways by a redundant tracheal membrane • Hypovolemia with microcardia and underperfusion of the lung

Image Interpretation

right lateral and VD thorax, lateral trachea/larynx – Significant dorsoventral narrowing of the cervical trachea by a redundant tracheal
membrane (the dorsal wall of the trachea is seen throughout) is noted from the larynx
to the cranial thoracic aperture on 2 views consistently. The larynx is within normal
The lung reveals a mild generalized incidental structured interstitial pattern. The cardiac silhouette is small


Typically a redundant tracheal membrane is an incidental finding and not consistent
with a true tracheal collapse. In this case though the degree of tracheal narrowing and
the length of stenosis is severe, indirect signs of an upper airway obstruction are seen
as well as signs of respiratory distress which all suggests this being a relevant
intermittent or persistent change. Comprehensive evaluation & verifcation requires
dynamic assessment by tracheoscopy and/or fluoroscopy. Tracheobronchoscopy is the
preferred method for further workup here since it allows for rule out of differential
diagnoses such as tracheitis/laryngitis, bronchial collapse and other at the same time.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Hubble Madrid/PHAH
Age : 4 Years
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Status : Complete
Code : 17_00033



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