Preputial & Bladder Mass

Sammy is a 14 year old American Eskimo. I saw Sammy in November of 2013. His history was excessive licking of his penis. When I tried to retract his prepuce he cried out in pain and there was excessive bleeding with actual pieces of tissue on the table (I guess I have to work on my touch :)). The bleeding eventually stopped. I sent the pieces of tissue in for evaluation and the histopath came back “Erosive Chronic Inflammation and Fibromatous Polyps”. I have never seen this before. At that time I did a quick scan of the bladder and prostate. I did not notice pathology in the bladder  but there was a large cyst in the prostate. The prepuce was mildly swollen at that time. I believe he was treated with antibiotics but his symptoms never went away.

Fast forward to March of 2015. Culture and Sensitivity was done on the urine and an E Coli was recovered. He was treated with Clavamox. 30 days later the urine was recultured and an E Coli is present and Sammy is currently on Cefpodoxime.

Blood work indicated an Albumin of 2.4, Globulin of 4.4, BUN 43, Creat 0.9, Urine SG of 1.027.

I placed the ultrasound on the prepuce, bladder and prostate again.

I have never seen preputial swelling like this before. In one of the cines you can see the os penis shadowing as a point of reference. One of the cine’s is transverse. There is also a mass at the trigone that looks polypoid to me. I no longer see the cyst in the prostate.

I am having a hard time believing this is a polypoid change. Owner does not want to biopsy again. I think this is probably a malignancy. Anyone have any ideas?

6 responses to “Preputial & Bladder Mass”

  1. Hi Randy – poor dog! In the

    Hi Randy – poor dog! In the transverse clip of the UB,it looks like these “masses” are on either side of the trigone. Could they be prominent ureteral papilla? I guess you could put colour over them to see if you see ureteral jets. If they are ureteral papilla, I agree they look mass-like and bigger than usual. Will see what the pro says 🙂

  2. Hi Randy – poor dog! In the

    Hi Randy – poor dog! In the transverse clip of the UB,it looks like these “masses” are on either side of the trigone. Could they be prominent ureteral papilla? I guess you could put colour over them to see if you see ureteral jets. If they are ureteral papilla, I agree they look mass-like and bigger than usual. Will see what the pro says 🙂

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