Anal sac ultrasound

I have an 8-year-old intact female dog presented with the complain of polyurea. The RDVM noticed right caudal mammary gland mass which was present in the last two right caudal mammary glands. Abdominal ultrasound was done and it showed bilateral medial iliac lymph node enlargement – typical neoplastic lymph nodes. Blood test showed moderate to severe hypercalcemia. I was just thinking it is unusual for the mammary gland neoplasias to metastasise to the iliac lymph nodes. I palpated the anal glands and they were normal. Is there a possibility that a non palpable anal gland tumor can exist? I am planning to scan the anal glands but not much content is available on anal gland neoplasia ultrasound. If you have any related videos available, please share. Thank you

One response to “Anal sac ultrasound”

  1. I would scan the mammary glands, anal glands, palpate the popliteal LNs and scan the abdomen to be thorough and get the whole picture. reactive LNs are longer than wide and look like an american football shape an dare smooth. Infiltrated LNs loose contour start to round and become hypoechoic and to confirm with a needle.

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