This 5 year old M Mastiff has a history of poor appetite, increased urination now with frank blood.
Physical exam: dripping frank blood from penis, thin
Chem: TP 78, ALB 40, AST 65
Urinalysis: hematuria, pyuria, struvits 50/hpf
This 5 year old M Mastiff has a history of poor appetite, increased urination now with frank blood.
Physical exam: dripping frank blood from penis, thin
Chem: TP 78, ALB 40, AST 65
Urinalysis: hematuria, pyuria, struvits 50/hpf
BPH prostate with paraprostatic cysts and prostatic cysts. Potential abscessation.
Ultrasound-guided drainage and potential ADAIN procedure recommended at the time of castration. Bladder sand
There was no evidence of neoplasia noted.
Ultrasound guided drainage of the prostatic and paraprostatic cysts was performed 2 weeks later, followed by injection of Enrofloxacin. Recheck scan recommended in 3-5 days assuming that the patient was being castrated at the time of the procedure. Recheck again in 3-5 weeks.