This 16 year old FS Cockapoo presented for panting, PU/PD and polyphagia.
Physical Exm: panting, pot-bellied, BCS 9/9
CBC/Chem: albumin 2.6, ALP 710, GGT 35, chol 1062, trig 648, platelets 662,000, USPG 1.009, T4 0.8, Ft4 normal
This 16 year old FS Cockapoo presented for panting, PU/PD and polyphagia.
Physical Exm: panting, pot-bellied, BCS 9/9
CBC/Chem: albumin 2.6, ALP 710, GGT 35, chol 1062, trig 648, platelets 662,000, USPG 1.009, T4 0.8, Ft4 normal