This 11 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of chronic cough and nasal discharge.
This 11 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of chronic cough and nasal discharge.
This 11 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of chronic cough and nasal discharge.
This 11 year old FS Labrador Retriever has a history of chronic cough and nasal discharge.
CT of skull and thorax – Both nasal cavities present a moderate amount of non-gravity dependent material attached to the nasal turbinates and the inner surface of both frontal sinuses. The turbinate structures in the rostral aspect of both nasal cavities present mild multifocal destruction
A spherical, mildly contrast enhancing soft tissue attenuating mass with broad base to the visceral pleura of 2 cm diameter is noted within the ventromedial aspect of the left caudal lung lobe. A small eccentric air bronchogram is noted in this area.
The findings are highly suspicious for early mycotic rhinitis. Aspergillosis appears
likely. Chronic bacterial rhinitis is less likely.
According to the history rhinoscopy with sampling for culture and histopathology was
performed already. Note that detection of fungi is more straightforward
microscopically than culture in many cases. If the suspicion of mycotic rhinitis is
confirmed local and systemic antifungal therapy is indicated.
The nodular lung lesion is compatible with primary pulmonary neoplasia that is
consistent with history of chronic cough. Possible differential diagnosis include
(broncho-) alveolar-carcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, round-cell neoplasia
(histiocytic sarcoma), other. Granulomatous lung disease is unlikely.