Category: Canine

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  • Bening hepatic nodular hyperplasia

    8-year-old female spayed poodle was presented with abdominal paiin of 1-2 day duration. The pain would elicit on palpation of the abdomen. No vomiting or diarrhea and the patient had normal appetite. On abdominal US, a hepatic mass was seen originating from the caudate lobe of liver. I am thinking this is hepatic benign nodular…

  • Quadrate liver lobe? Double splenic body?

    12 year old FS Beagle. Presented due to some gastric foreign material, but had some additional ultrasound findings. Blood work GGT 29, rest WNL. In the liver mass videos, can you discern if this is the quadrate lobe from the provided dorsal views? And in the splenic video, am I looking at a redundant splenic…

  • chronic renal changes in a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog

    3 year old MN Bernese Mountain dog chronic PU/PD, weight loss over last 3 months, current renal azotemia (BUN 38, creat 4.5, SDMA 31), SpG 1.010 with UPC 0.4, culture pending but not an obvious infection on cytology. Adrenals normal size and rest of exam unremarkable. Blood pressure readings inconsistent, but did get one in…

  • renal cyst 2/3/24

    14 yr MN Heeler cross with weight loss over 6 months despite normal appetite, no vomiting or diarrhea. Found this renal cyst on ultrasound. Blood work from earlier in the fall did not show azotemia, repeating today and a UA is also pending. Wondering if you might recommend draining it and if so, any specific…

  • What did I Do??

    What did I do? Happy New Year!! This is a 10 year old Brittany female that presented for a 3/6 murmur. Owner says she is fine clinically but coughs on occasion. She was fairly cooperative but stressed and panting. General scanning revealed a slightly enlarged left ventricle(Cornell Index for LV diastole and systole were 1.98…

  • pd

    Tomy a mixed female/spayed 12 years young comes due to sudden onset of PD, owners not sure she pees more or not 1.5kg weight loss in the last 5 months vomits when weed eating (can be every day but only if she eats weed) SG 1012 AMYL 1692 LIPASE 4538 CREA 1.4 CA 9.6 DO…

  • pu/pd

    Tomy a mixed female/spayed 12 years young comes due to sudden onset of PD, owners not sure she pees more or not 1.5kg weight loss in the last 5 months vomits when weed eating (can be every day but only if she eats weed) SG 1012 AMYL 1692 LIPASE 4538 CREA 1.4 CA 9.6 DO…

  • Suspected liver neoplasia with cystic regions

    13 year old FS Australian Shepherd. Two months ago, liver enzymes were markedly elevated -ALT 5737, AST 1680, ALP 4986, GGT 8, T bilirubin 2.6. She was lethargic and anorexic at the time. Potentially had eaten some toxic mushrooms (Lepiota spp). Positive for anaplasma and Lyme on 4DX, positive lepto titer (no convalescent taken) and…

  • duodenal ulcer? 11/9/23

    7 year old FS Catahoula cross. A month ago was vomiting twice per day, hours after eating. Also having diarrhea. The vomiting resolved after about a week. TX A&M panel showed folate 5.4 (7.7-24.4) and cobalamine more towards the low end of normal. Diarrhea has been improving with implementation of a bland diet and folate/B12…

  • By the numbers

    Thank you! I’m not sure if I posed the question properly regarding objective values with ultrasound in the vegetative endocarditis post. Many cardiac drugs have a dosage range and alternative dosing frequencies. Some drugs have different modes of action with similar effect (ACE blockers versus inhibitors). Can you judge the efficacy of cardiac therapies with…

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