Category: Canine

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  • cystic liver, distended CBD, distended pancreatic duct

    Cole is a 17 year old MN DSH with a history of CRD and gradual weight loss.  He has had elvations in his ALT in the past.  An ultrasound in May showed similar changes as today.  The liver has cystic changes throughtout and both the common bile duct and pancreatic duct are distended.  Today, he…

  • Shoulder pain

    4 year Setter ran into a fence 6  months prior, now intermittently lame following exercise How would you describe this biceps tendon and bony changes please?

  • Pancreatic nodule or lymph node

    Pancreatic nodule or lymph node

    12 yo F/S Italian Greyhound 17# Asymptomatic severely elevated liver enzymes. Currently ALT 1786, was 171 last month. ALP was 461 last month. On Thyroxine. 1st u/s last month: large hyperechoic liver with multiple small hypoechoic nodules (3mm-1cm). FNA: vacuolar hepatopathy. Gastritis. Pancreas was thickened with a cavitated 1cm nodule or LN, dorsal to stomach.…

  • BRAF testing and bladder masses. Don’t trust the negative BRAF

    Just read this one out on telemed this am. I remember someone asking about the SE and SP of BRAF testing for TCC. Classic TCC and the patient was BRAF negative. Just put a probe on it. Save the owner some money and the patient a missed dx. I’ve seen this repetitively in the field…

  • Aortic insufficiency

    Aortic insufficiency

    -12 year old male neutered Yorkshire terrier -cough, likely due to tracheal collapse -loud murmur present -asymptomatic for cardiac disease -systemic BP unknown (I have recommended they obtain it) -LA:Ao of 1.57; %FS 56% -moderate MR and trivial PI noted, normal size MPA -moderate AI also noted – why? -AI appears to be originate between…

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections in 13yr mn fel DLH

    8 yr mn fel DLH dx with crf one year ago and placed on Rx renal diet. He also has a history of chronic UTI’s over the past two years which present with hematuria and pollakiuria and have been difficult to treat even when culturing the urine. Kal also has had a brown nasal discharge…

  • Pulmonary hypertension?

    Pulmonary hypertension?
  • Abnormal renal structure in 9 yr old mn DLH

    Abnormal renal structure in 9 yr old mn DLH

    9 yr old MN DLH with 3-4 year hx of asymptomatic chronic nonregenerative anemia Presented to E-clinic recently for inappetence, vomiting.  PCV dropped from 24% to 20% on fluid therapy. U/A showed USG=1.055.  No chemistry abnormalities reported. Has had negative FeLV/FIV tests in the past. Abdominal US is wnl except for the kidneys.  There is…


    8 month old Pug with soft murmur How would you classify this VSD please? What is causing the ‘red’ leak next to the turbulent flow please? Is this likely to become a clinical problem?

  • GI Masses ileocolic junction and jejunum

    GI Masses ileocolic junction and jejunum

    17 yo M/N DSH, chronic vomiting, good appetite, recent 1# weight loss, normal bloodwork, on methimazole. Liver: several (4-5) 5-8mm hypoechoic ill-defined nodules. Mildly thickened intestinal loops with prominent muscularis. Reactive LN between stomach and liver (6mm), with hyperechoic fat, colic LN 3.9mm. Spleen WNL. 2 similar round intramural masses (1cm each), hypoechoic, with positive…

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