Category: Canine

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  • renal dysplasia?

    These kidney scans are from a three year old Saint Bernard who was presented for a pinnal hematoma surgery, but on her preanesthetic bloodwork she was found to have renal azotemia with BUN/creat 26/2.2 and USG 1.010. This looks like renal dysplasia to me, what do you think?  Thanks

  • Pancreas Lesion?

    Chloe is a 12 year old Peke X. Had one episode of V/D last week and Lots of V/D in past 24 hours. PE was not enlightening & owners declined bloodwork. Did quick abd scan… I see hyper-echoic uniformly granular “masses” in association w/ each kidney??? Or possibly pancreas??? What I see of the rt/lt…

  • Chronic cough chest radiography

    hello, first time I am writing a post, could please help to interpret this chest radiography it’s from a York terrrier chronic cough, no abnormality on broncoscopy, only finding elongated epiglottis.      Thank you

  • Odd PV in a cat

    – 4 month FS DSH from a shelter with a history of on and off anorexia – presented with fever and anorexia and tongue ulceration (suspect calici) – abdominal u/s showed enlarged jejunal and medial iliacl LN’s’  – every thing else normal except for an enlarged and tortuous PV with  high velocity flow – I…

  • Enlarged PV in a kitten

    – 5 month old shelter kitten with a history of “poor-doing” at the sheleter – presented for fever, intermittent anorexia and tongue ulcers (suspect calici) – abdominal ultrasound unremarkabel except for enlarged jejunal and medial iliac LN’s and a very large PV  – the PV appears to be tortuous with a high velocity flow –…

  • Relationship between auscultation vs regurgitation (cm/s) and murmur

    I started to do echocardiography a short time ago (few weeks). Poodle, 10 years, 10kg. Preoperative checkup, suspected of osteosarcoma extraosseous.  Cardiac murmur grade 1, systolic pressure 110, thoracic RX within normal range, without cough.  Findings: concentric hypertrophy?  AV max: 117cm/s , PV max: 154cm/s, IVRT: 77ms, TAPSE: 1cm, E/A: 0,9  Ae/AO: 1.5 (LA = 1,8…

  • Splenic cells where art thou?

    Despite seeing beautiful images during splenic sampling with a visible needle, lovely “woodpecker” technique and nice feathery slides my splenic aspirates still having me holding my breath until I see definitive cells in my microscope field. I feel like I’m at the roulette wheel hoping for my my lucky number to be the winner. I…

  • Vancouver SDEP Abdomen all levels 4 spots left March 12-14.

    I usueally don’t advertise in the forum but what the heck its my site:) But honestly I would love to see and meet forum users at and SDEP abdomen lab to hang out at our reception friday evening and round tables business of ultrasound and such. We have 4 spots left for Vancouver.   GOs,…

  • Cholecystitis – thoughts on further diagnostics?

    Hi, just wanted to try my first case on forum. I am fairly new to ultrasounding and would appreciate advice on all aspect (techinque, image quality, forum posting and thoughts on further diagnostics).  Charlie is a 15 year old Shih tzu male neutered. He has had chronic liver enzyme elevations (ALP [~500]) and elevated bile…

  • Cardiology certification for King Charles Cavaliers

    I have a rural clinic with a King Charles Cavalier breeder who wants to get cardiology certification for her dogs.   Is there an official cardiology certification program for this breed?  The other question I have is whether this needs to be done by a cardioligist or can  I acquire the images and have a…

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