Category: Canine

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  • metritis?

    1 year old FI Golden. First estrus cycle started beginning of April and lasted 3 weeks. Has been anorexic since this time. Some intermittent diarrhea and vomiting that has resolved. Does the uterus look more thickened than would expect it to be this far out from estrus? Metritis?

  • Hyperechoic, punctate opacitites throughout spleen and cortices in Cushinoid canine

    12 year old FS Chihuahua with hx of hyperadrenocorticism, hypertension and proteinuria. Decreased appetite. Meds include benazapril, amlodipine, telmesartan and trilostane. Blood pressure still not controlled. Adrenals bilaterally enlarged and not infiltrating surrounding structures. Planning to recheck ACTH stim and adjust BP meds. Two questions: should we still consider a pheochromocytoma? How would you describe…

  • mineralization ? prostatic cyst

    Hello, This is an intact dog that presented with stranguria . On U/S the prostate was enlarged and a cavitated fluid filled structure appeared to be originating from prostate – suspect prostatic cyst . The dark serosanguinolent fluid was aspirated (150 ml ) and samples from traumatic catheterization at the level of prostate and pelvic…

  • Question – mucobile duct

    I am attaching a video from SDEP pathology videos for mucobileduct obstruction. Both bile and mucus have similar echogenicity (if I am not wrong), then how the obstruction caused by mucus in the bile duct be detected? How the mucus in the bile duct can be distinguished from the normal bile if both have similar…

  • Is it only prostatic carcinoma or urethral tumor also

    A 14-year-old male neutered dog was presented with the complain of stranguria for a month and intermittent hematurina. Abdominal ultrasound showed prostatomegaly with some hyperechoic areas, consistent most likely with a prostatic carcinoma. Some tissue/blood clot was also seen growing at the bladder apex. Just wanted to check if it is jsut prostatic neoplasia or…

  • Anal sac ultrasound

    I have an 8-year-old intact female dog presented with the complain of polyurea. The RDVM noticed right caudal mammary gland mass which was present in the last two right caudal mammary glands. Abdominal ultrasound was done and it showed bilateral medial iliac lymph node enlargement – typical neoplastic lymph nodes. Blood test showed moderate to…

  • Gastric ulcer surgical or medical

    One-year-old female Chihuahua. She was presented for dystocia yesterday. The RDVM did ovariohysterectomy – the puppy was dead. Today, presented in emergency following hematemesis, followed by sudden collapse. I found a blood clot and gastric ulcer on ultrasound, looks deep and very close to serosa. Following stabilisation, do you think we should excise it surgically?

  • ectopic ureters in a 6 year old female Doodle

    Recently adopted, was told she was spayed, but no spay scar has been identified. Seeing more uterine tissue than would expect and possible ovarian tissue behind RK (no follicle)-did not include that image. Patient is reportedly not incontinent, but owner did mention she does have accidents when excited to see owner. Male dog was recently…

  • Right ventrical outflow tract mass

    An 11-year-old female neutered golden retriever was presented for mild dyspnoea. The cardiac US showed DCM and RVOT mass. Option for surgery was not available. The mass has grown exponentially in 2 weeks. The first video is the from the first scan and the second and third from yesterday’s scan. The thing is I don’t…

  • Suspect glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis

    10 year old FS Westie. Patient presented for increased respiratory rate. Hx of chronic mucous/sneezing. Rhinoscopy has been performed, but unsure of results. Owner thinks may have had mild pre-existing renal disease, but awaiting records. On pred for neck pain. Rads last night showed a mild leukopenia (4100), renal azotemia (BUN 130, creat 3.7, Phos…

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