Category: Canine

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  • Login redirect, sidebar & footer cleanup

    *note: this category is visible to Admins & Editors only* Installed Sidebar Login plugin so users are now redirected to the forum Front Page, which is currently set to Latest Posts. The redirect can be set to anywhere via the Sidebar Login settings. Cleaned up the sidebar which had some elements that I’m assuming are…

  • What Makes A Veterinary Hospital Diagnostically & Workflow Efficient?

        One of the things I have learned in the past 15 years as a vet and 9 years before that as a tech is that the number 1 thing a hospital can do to market itself is just be as right as possible in the shortest amount of time and just let the…

  • What Makes A Veterinary Hospital Diagnostically & Workflow Efficient?

        One of the things I have learned in the past 15 years as a vet and 9 years before that as a tech is that the number 1 thing a hospital can do to market itself is just be as right as possible in the shortest amount of time and just let the…

  • Euthanasia for the client, patient, and technician.

    Nothing can really prepare you for a euthanasia, especially for the first time.  It is one of the unfortunate things we in the field of veterinary medicine have to deal with on a daily basis.  Although it can be very distressing and sad, it can also be a blessing.  You have the unique opportunity to…

  • Are there any technicians out there that steer clear of the surgery suite?

    Do I make you nervous? Does the thought of working in the surgical department make your knees knock? Here are some details that may ease your mind. The surgery suite runs like a sterile auto mechanic shop. Each patient that is admitted has a laundry list of “services” that need to be fulfilled. Each procedure…

  • Avoiding “paddle foot” in your I.V. catheter patient.

    Footie One of the goals when placing an I.V. catheter is to ensure that the catheter does not come out, which is a fairly difficult task when you are hitting a moving target. So first you have to place your catheter, tape it in, and make sure your tape is secure but not too tight.…

  • Welcome to all new and seasoned veterinary technicians.

    This forum is for you, the veterinary technician community.  Feel free to post up any questions or comments regarding your day to day nursing care, helpful tips from your clinic, hospital protocols, difficult situations that you have run into and found solutions for, or anything you can think of.  We are here to work with…

  • Welcome veterinary technicians.

    This forum is for you, the veterinary technician community.  Feel free to post up any questions or comments regarding your day to day nursing care, helpful tips from your clinic, hospital protocols, difficult situations that you have run into and found solutions for, or anything you can think of.  We are here to work with…

  • Hot Lymph Nodes And Anorexia

    [videoembed id=6936] Hi Eric, Can you tell me more about the pain at the mesenteric root?  What is causing it, ie the infiltrates into the lymph nodes per se or ?  His peripheral nodes never seemed too tender and I would agree about the pain, so want to understand it better. I have had good…

  • Feline pancreatic mass

    9 yo mn dsh cat vomitng, weight loss, lethargy WBC 20K Is this a mass or severe pancreatitis panc mass [videoembed id=6937] Any thoughts? Wilma

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