Category: Canine

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  • Glossitis in a 10 month old Australian Cattle dog

     History: Diagnosed with suppurative glossitis based on oral biopsy. No evidence of fungal or autoimmune disease on biopsy. He was placed on a 7-day course of Clavamox, and his symptoms of lethargy, fever and anorexia resolved. He also had a beta hemolytic strep UTI at 4 months of age. Chemistries have been normal.  Initial CBC had…

  • Inspissated gall bladder in a feline?

    16 year old FS DSH, owner concerned she is uncomfortable because her posture is more hunched, mild increase in renal values and SDMA with more marked anemia of 25%.  Liver values WNL.  Anorexia that improved with some outpatient supportive care.  History of hyperthyroidism, controled. I had a difficult time making out the gall bladder in…

  • Logistics of Large Dog Echos

    I am looking for advice on the logistics of doing large dog echos.  I am purchasing a new machine and looking at whether to stick with the portable type I am used to or go with a console unit. In the past, I did some mobile ultrasound and carried my echo table with me.  It…


  • Cat gallbladder

    Catrick Swayze is a 3 year old neutered male that has had reoccuring episodes of anorexia and vomiting that responds to symptomatic treatment. (fluids, antibitocs, was on a tapering dose of pred also) In June ALT was >4000 and Tbil was elevated as was lipase.  He has a recheck of his chem on July 7…

  • Gallbladder

    Cocoa is an almost 16 year old poodle/pappion mix that presented july 18. Owners were on vacation with the dog and she didnt eat well the whole time she was there (US from Canada) vomited once. Grade 2 systolic murmur, no cough only finding on PE. CBC normal, Chem showed elevated alt 619 (10-125) alkp…

  • Bladder thickening/TCC/???

    Hi all, This 10 yo MN doodle came in for routine exam and lab work. Went to cysto it and this is the bladder. Thoughts? Calcium elevated at 12.7 and BUN at 34. No urinary issues reported at home.  Is this TCC territory or …. ?

  • HOCM?

    -4 year old DSH -new heart murmur -no clinical signs -Why does the interventricular septum curve down in front of the aorta? -I assume something like atenolol might help with filling?  Anything else that we should do? -Is this HOCM? UCM?  Something else? Thanks!

  • Parathyroid nodule

    -10 year old lab -hypercalcemia with no other cause found -I suspect this is primary hyperparathyroidism. Can you confirm this is a parathyroid nodule?  It’s larger than I expected! Thanks.

  • Is it gastric tumor

    13-year-old female neutered daschund presented with lethargy. Severe thrombocytopenia was observed on hematology and moderate anemia, HCT 26. A diagnosis of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia was made based on the blood smear examination and the dog was placed on prednisolone. The owner brought the dog again about a week ago for a follow up and the ALT…

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