Category: Feline

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  • fever of unknown origin, enlarged spleen, thin renal cortices

    10 month old MN DSH indoor only with fever, lethargy and decreased appetite since 7/26. Some improvement with Convenia and SQ fluids. Blood work and fecal exam WNL. Spleen enlarged, course and lumpy. Renal cortices appear thin to me – please comment. I am recommending FELV/FIV and fever panel, spleen fNA if no improvement. I…

  • chronic renal changes in a 2 year old cat

    2 year old FS DSH, more lethargic lately, some defecation outside the litter box. Did have a previous short episode of vomiting that resolve. Kidney values have been elevated – BUN 47, creat 3.3, phos 4.5, albumin 4.1 HCT 34, Urine SpG 1.047, 2+ protein on dipstick, but inactive sediment and UPC 0.1. Blood pressure…

  • Renolith – acute or chronic?

    These clips are from a 15 year old, MN cat with rising BUN/Creatinine, hematuria and weight loss. The right kidney was similar, but smaller due to a dorsal section of cortical collapse. The bladder was normal and no visible ureteral distention. The mineralized opacity in the cranial pole of this kidney… I notice it is…

  • Lymphoma vs. ureterolith/hydronephrosis

    17 year old MN DLH presented for vomiting, lethargy and anorexia. Painful on abdominal palpation. Marked azotemia with mild increase in K initially. Phosphorous elevated and HCT low normal with rehydration. Renal values have been coming down on IVF. No uroliths seen in urinary bladder, one stone appreciated in left renal pelvis, but not obstructive.…

  • Diaphragmatic rent

    Incidental finding in a one-year-old male stray cat presented with the complain of lethargy. Looks like a small diaphragmatic rent. Am I correct?

  • Mucobileduct

    A 12-year-old female persian cat was referred by the RDVM for abdominal ultrasound with the complain of chronic diarrhea. PCKD was found with several cysts in the liver. I also found a highly dilated muco bile duct. It was hard to trace it back to the gall bladder as the liver had several cysts and…

  • lens luxation?

    Hello this cat presented with bulging eye, squinting, scleral vessels injected, eye pressures on tonopen were 45.Secondary Glaucoma due to lens luxation- anterior, was suspected. Did not responded to Glaucoma meds and after 3 days we decided to enucleate the left eye . However at the time of preaneshetic exam, the eye pressures were 20-25…

  • Is it polypoid cystitis

    Spike is a 2-year-old male neutered BSH presented with the complain of urethral obstruction. The referring vet catheterised the cat and removed the obstruction. Cystoliths were identified and the referring vet did cystotomy to remove the cystoliths. But the cat is still having hematuria and whenever bladder is flushed, small pieces of tissue were removed.…

  • Ureteritis or a normal variant

    A 6-year-old male cross breed cat was presented with the complain that the owner can see some transparent material in the urine. Urinary bladder was normal. When I was scanning the kidneys, I was able to see the ureters also, with some hyperechoic fat in the periphery of the ureters. Ureters could be followed to…

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