chronic renal changes in a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog

3 year old MN Bernese Mountain dog chronic PU/PD, weight loss over last 3 months, current renal azotemia (BUN 38, creat 4.5, SDMA 31), SpG 1.010 with UPC 0.4, culture pending but not an obvious infection on cytology. Adrenals normal size and rest of exam unremarkable. Blood pressure readings inconsistent, but did get one in the 180’s systolic.
Renal changes look chronic to me with the punctate mineralization. Maybe previous renal injury and now chronic changes?
The dog did go under anesthesia for a toe amp (broken) last year and the creat was 2 at that time.

2 responses to “chronic renal changes in a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog”

  1. Possibilities would be previous acute kidney injury (toxins, drugs, hypoxia), previous bacterial nephritis, hypoxic insult around the time of partus, and renal dysplasia. Biopsy would be needed for a more specific diagnosis.

    At this point needs to be managed as chronic kidney disease

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