Distal urethral neoplasia?

– 7 year old MN Golden Ret. presented last week for stranguria/dysuria

– UA and culture negative for infection; initial reponse to Metacam and Aventi Clav

– presented 5 days later unable to urinate and profound stranguria;drible of dark borwn urine

– UB (huge), kidneys, prostate and proximal urethra normal; rest of scan normal including medial iliac LN’s

– scan of the distal urethra/penis showed lytic-like lesions, mineralization and soft tissue proliferation of the luminal tissues; power Doppler was not useful in this region

– ultrasound guided traumatic/suction biopsy did not yield cells or tissue; very small catheter was needed to pass through the region

Unfortuinately, the owners opted for humane euthanasia. This looks like a neoplastic lesion to me – osterosarc of the os penis? TCC? other? mineralizing severe distal urethritis?

6 responses to “Distal urethral neoplasia?”

  1. Nasty looking lesion that is

    Nasty looking lesion that is most likley neoplasia. Only real way of getting a diagnosis is via scope, which would allow visualization of the lesion and getting a biopsy. 

  2. You had negative pressure by

    You had negative pressure by the tech when traumatizing right… 60 cc syringe??

    sharp bevelled edge cut on the catheter?


    should have gotten some chunks

    • 60 cc syringe with lots of

      60 cc syringe with lots of negtative pressure but used a red rubber catheter with extra slots cut at the end. I think using a rigid catheter may have been a better option with sharper edge for sure to be more traumatic

  3. Yes you need to use a rigid

    Yes you need to use a rigid polypropylene catheter and cut the edge just like a needle end and lube it heavily to pass into place. Red rubber ceath fenestrated wont get the pieces.

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