14 years old German pointer Intact, Male presented with recent onset of incontinence . Patient was recently diagnosed with Multicentric Lymphoma, owner decided against Chemo and was placed on Pred . The peripheral LN regressed and still normal in size but now developed incontinence .
Noted sand type sediment i n bladder and this anechoic tubular structure, but did not recall that I’ve seen previously vascularization adjiacent to a distended urether . LK has a mild distended pelvis and has mineralization
The other possibility is that this is a MILN.
2 responses to “distended ureter?”
Looks like a distended ureter
Looks like a distended ureter depends on the cause at the u pap. I have seen really big BPH prostates impinge on the u paps and do this primarily wit hthe left ureter but ywould need to see the prostate trigone and urethra further caudally sdep 2 and sdep 3 posiitons. Obstructive stone or structure or tumor possible as well.
Thank you EL. Prostate is
Thank you EL. Prostate is also enlarged. BPH most likelly as this dog is intact and has had history of prostatitis