fever of unknown origin, enlarged spleen, thin renal cortices

10 month old MN DSH indoor only with fever, lethargy and decreased appetite since 7/26. Some improvement with Convenia and SQ fluids. Blood work and fecal exam WNL. Spleen enlarged, course and lumpy. Renal cortices appear thin to me – please comment. I am recommending FELV/FIV and fever panel, spleen fNA if no improvement. I tried doing the MP4 video conversion with Movavi that Cody recommended, but it didn’t work, so just posting stills.

4 responses to “fever of unknown origin, enlarged spleen, thin renal cortices”

  1. The spleen definitely needs a needle to assess round cell neoplasia fip and splenitis cyto and culture. kidneys look normal except the idiopathic medullary rim which can be fip but often normal variant. the corticomedullary ratio is normal so om not appreciating thin corticies and would call this a normal variant

  2. ***Note if you are still having video upload issues with our new site upgrade , the movavi converter is great for older ultraasound machines (GE in particular) or ones that havent employed mp4 into their software and still operate with older video format. Newer site platforms like ours, that we have tediously and finally got 90% completed but now operational and just refining the look an darchive functionality (stay tuned), wont support older video formats so if you have avi files or similar then simply convert to mp4 with movavi as Cody did here. Most modern machines i have seen have mp4 option as its ht emost compatible format and wont lose image quality. Movavi is inexpensive and has all the ultrasound video codecs in it that other converters don’t have. Here is the link


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