Firm, soft tissue swelling at a metacarpal-phalangeal joint

  • I am posting this for a colleague who wanted me to scan a metacarpal joint but so far have not had the chance.
  • 9 year old male castrated Labradoodle who lives in Hayward Wi
  • In December 2017 he presented with complaint of lameness on the left forelimb, but no Lesion per se, no swelling, mass, localizeable pain response at the clinic. We did do shoulder rads at the time, but they were unremarkable.
    • I am posting this for a colleague who wanted me to scan a metacarpal joint but so far have not had the chance.
    • 9 year old male castrated Labradoodle who lives in Hayward Wi
    • In December 2017 he presented with complaint of lameness on the left forelimb, but no Lesion per se, no swelling, mass, localizeable pain response at the clinic. We did do shoulder rads at the time, but they were unremarkable.
    • Tx with rest and Nsaids trial and he improved, but then began to limp again at the end of an active day, and upon rising after laying down. The owners then called in January and said there is a swelling that was on the left posterior metacarpal area.
    • Aspirate cytology was nodiagnostic-owner was trying to decide between ultrasound or MRI exam next.
    • Dog presented in mid January with visible swelling on the medial-plantar aspect of the left foreleg at the level of the distal metatacarpal-phalangeal joint. See the attached rads. 
    • A 0.7cm x 0.7cm excisional biopsy was performed.  Histo report stated either benign spindle cell dysplasia (no mitotic figures) fibrous hyperplastic inflammatory reaction OR low grade spindle cell tumor.
    • Has anyone seen this before?  Any value in performing a follow up ultrasound or MRI of the affected area?


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