Geriatric Cystic Duct/CBC

Frankie is a 17 year old DSH with a history of weight loss.

Blood work was unremarkable except for a Creat of 2.1 (early IRIS Stage 3- non proteinuric and not hypertensive). Hepatic enzymes all WNL.

I know I have probably asked this before- but is the cystic duct and CBC dilation normal in a geriatric cat?

I really could not see any obstruction.


Frankie is a 17 year old DSH with a history of weight loss.

Blood work was unremarkable except for a Creat of 2.1 (early IRIS Stage 3- non proteinuric and not hypertensive). Hepatic enzymes all WNL.

I know I have probably asked this before- but is the cystic duct and CBC dilation normal in a geriatric cat?

I really could not see any obstruction.


6 responses to “Geriatric Cystic Duct/CBC”

  1. yes something about older

    yes something about older cats just dilate their ducts…. cbd, panc duct even potentially the renal pelvis stil to be determined… no excessive echogenic wall thickening or ill defined fat suggestive for inflammation nor overdistention of the GB so… “age relate changes.”

    best analogy I can come up with… old house sluggish plumbing but functional… until you throw a big party (triaditis for cats) then it all backs up:)



  2. yes something about older

    yes something about older cats just dilate their ducts…. cbd, panc duct even potentially the renal pelvis stil to be determined… no excessive echogenic wall thickening or ill defined fat suggestive for inflammation nor overdistention of the GB so… “age relate changes.”

    best analogy I can come up with… old house sluggish plumbing but functional… until you throw a big party (triaditis for cats) then it all backs up:)



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