Hepatic Mass

Leonard is a 15 1/2 year old male neutered DSH. He has a history of recent gradual weight loss and intermittent vomiting.

His lab work indicated mild elevation in all hepatic enzyme (Alk Ptase 144, ALT 336, GGT 10 and T.Bili 0.4). The Albumin was 3.2. Rest of the lab work was WNL.

I did a scan on Leonard and I am emarrased to admit that I believe I missed this obvious pathology in real time.

Leonard is a 15 1/2 year old male neutered DSH. He has a history of recent gradual weight loss and intermittent vomiting.

His lab work indicated mild elevation in all hepatic enzyme (Alk Ptase 144, ALT 336, GGT 10 and T.Bili 0.4). The Albumin was 3.2. Rest of the lab work was WNL.

I did a scan on Leonard and I am emarrased to admit that I believe I missed this obvious pathology in real time.

The liver was uniformly bright. There is a large mass in the L later liver lobe- is this real? The screen shot is taken from the 2nd cine loop. In the first loop you can see the stomach and then mid cine this mass pops up. I did aspriate the L liver lobe but my sample was poor. 

Cytology report: Low cellularity specimens. Low number of hepatocytes with mild to moderate vacuolar change consistent with lipid. I am certain I missed this mass. I picked it up on review of the scan. Could it be a hepatoma?

Is this real or is it Memorex (for those of you old enough to remember).






2 responses to “Hepatic Mass”

  1. Hmm I would reaspirate as the

    Hmm I would reaspirate as the “mass” is more of a swelling manifesting from a diffuse pathology in the liver especially with SAP and borderline bili rise in a cat… SAP is always a red flag in cats because of the short half life of SAP in cats (6 hours) compared to dogs (72 hours). Any bilirubinuria? I would fna 22 g and 25 g looking for lymphoma or similar or core bx with that history.

    Yes Randy I hate to say I really do remember that slogan… 🙁

  2. Hmm I would reaspirate as the

    Hmm I would reaspirate as the “mass” is more of a swelling manifesting from a diffuse pathology in the liver especially with SAP and borderline bili rise in a cat… SAP is always a red flag in cats because of the short half life of SAP in cats (6 hours) compared to dogs (72 hours). Any bilirubinuria? I would fna 22 g and 25 g looking for lymphoma or similar or core bx with that history.

    Yes Randy I hate to say I really do remember that slogan… 🙁

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