Teddy is a 26 year old cat presented for anorexia and lethargy. The cat was dehydrated on presentation jaundiced, and it was noted the cat had lost alot of weight. Cbc revealed marked elevation in wbcs and all liver enzyme values including bilirubin were elevated. Ultrasound revealed tortuous bile ducts and a hypochondriac mass like lesion to the left and causal to the stomach surrounded by hyperechoic fat. I could not find a pancreatic duct but assume this is the pancreas, but wanted confirmation. We are running an fpl as I type this. If negative I might see of I can do a fna.
Sue bulman
3 responses to “Pancreas”
Fpl was negative
Fpl was negative
It lookks like a very dilated
It lookks like a very dilated pancreatic duct likely abscessed. You can drain it start wiht a 25g and see what comes back use a 22 or even 20 g if viscous. cytospin down and slide out sediment for neoplasia and culture. Use sdep 11, 13 and 14 positions to image the common bile duct to see if obstruction there or at the union of the panc duct wiht the cbd as often there is a stone or plug or neoplasia backing all this up unless its a panc abscess from a pseuodocyst or something. Lots of inflammaiton around it so I’m betting abscess here.
and 16 not 26 lol
and 16 not 26 lol