

!5 years old cat with CRD and secondary anemia . was well managed for 6 months now it stopped eating, lethargic .

Right kidney is small, with dystrophic mineralization,  missing cranial pole – not sure if functional. Was wondering if the appearance of the left kidney suggest Pyelonephritis due to hyperechoic pelvis, reactive surrounding pericapsular fat and scant amt of poericapsular fluid ? BW suggest severe inflamation, infection, left shift .

Thank you

2 responses to “Pyelonephritis”

  1. The appearnce ofthe kidney is

    The appearnce ofthe kidney is highly indicative of pyelonephritis – hyperechoic pelvis and pericapsular fat and pericapsular fluid accumulation. Urinanlysis and culture but would start on antbiotics whllsit waiting for the results as need to limlit further kidney damage.

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