Splenocaval shunt in cat

15-month old female DSH presented with stunted growth, partial seizures and blindess. Because of high-degree of suspicion of a PSS, abdominal ultrasound was done. PV can be seen draining in the CVC. Is it a splenocaval shunt?

6 responses to “Splenocaval shunt in cat”

  1. The cvc does appear to be overcirculated and the clinical signs fit but your CF has a a lot of color bleeding artifact in the image so I cant define the entrance of the shunt to the cvc which usually happens dorsally but there appears to be a branch coming off the pv into the cvc but i wouldnt cut based on this I would confirm with CT.

  2. That looks definitive as an ehpss nice imaging! its either explore with ameroid ready or CT first for planning and ensure to bx the liver for concurrent disease as portal hypoplasia and ehpss can live together at times. expect the cat to have an ammonia roller coaster after surgery but stay with it as they tend to stabilize after a week.

    • It should be spleno caval shunt then based on that it is a short shunt and it is not question-mark shaped, which is the case of gastrocaval shunts

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