Systemic Mycosis with acute renal failure

This is my first post, so I thought I would get my feet wet with a recent patient I imaged. This is a 2 YO MN anorexic, lethargic, German Shepherd exhibiting acute renal failure and the following labs:

  • Azotemia (BUN >130; Creat 9.9) USG=1.012
  • Hyperblilrubinemia
  • Leukocytosis (52,000)

rDVM was treating for UTI and possible lepto (Pen G and Baytril at the time) with no response.

This is my first post, so I thought I would get my feet wet with a recent patient I imaged. This is a 2 YO MN anorexic, lethargic, German Shepherd exhibiting acute renal failure and the following labs:

  • Azotemia (BUN >130; Creat 9.9) USG=1.012
  • Hyperblilrubinemia
  • Leukocytosis (52,000)

rDVM was treating for UTI and possible lepto (Pen G and Baytril at the time) with no response.

Abdominal US revealed an enlarged, heterogenous spleen and bilateral hydronephrosis with no obvious blockages/masses noted. Urinary catheter was easily passed.

The renal pelvic dilation was remarkable and the there was obvous echogenic, fingerlike projections into the pelvis. There were significant corticomedullary changes as well. Patient was lightly sedated with 1/4 torb dose and a 25 gauge 3 1/2″ needle was guided into the left renal pelvis. Urine pellet was obtained and diff-quick stain revealed abundant septated hyphae.  Samples were sent to reference lab for confirmation of fungal infection consistent with Aspergillus species. Patient was unfortunately euthanized and no further testing was done to further identify the fungal isolate. Poor Shepherds and there IgA deficiencies.


12 responses to “Systemic Mycosis with acute renal failure”

  1. Interesting case. I did a VIN

    Interesting case. I did a VIN search and it seems like young female German Shepards are predisposed.

    I am attaching the information from VIN.

  2. Interesting case. I did a VIN

    Interesting case. I did a VIN search and it seems like young female German Shepards are predisposed.

    I am attaching the information from VIN.

  3. Very interesting I agree

    Very interesting I agree thank you for this post! I don’t get much fungal in NJ so any fungal is appreciated! This also demonstrates how fungal looks neoplastic because round cell neoplasia would have to be on that ddx along with primary renal dysplasia owing to the abdnomral archicecture in such a young dog with renal failure. Nice workup when in doubt put a needle in it:)

  4. Very interesting I agree

    Very interesting I agree thank you for this post! I don’t get much fungal in NJ so any fungal is appreciated! This also demonstrates how fungal looks neoplastic because round cell neoplasia would have to be on that ddx along with primary renal dysplasia owing to the abdnomral archicecture in such a young dog with renal failure. Nice workup when in doubt put a needle in it:)

  5. I tried to post an image of

    I tried to post an image of the urine sediment diff-quick, but it didn’t come through. I’ll see if I can attach here.



  6. I tried to post an image of

    I tried to post an image of the urine sediment diff-quick, but it didn’t come through. I’ll see if I can attach here.



  7. Could you see these organisms

    Could you see these organisms in the urine from the bladder or just the FNA of the kidney?

  8. Could you see these organisms

    Could you see these organisms in the urine from the bladder or just the FNA of the kidney?

  9. Likely they were in the UA

    Likely they were in the UA sediments to some degree, just not seen. When the animal was originally seen, an inhouse UA and CS was performed. There was a Sediment done at that time in house, but no fungal elements were noted. Mira Vista would have been the way to go according to the VIN article and a pathologist friend of mine.

  10. Likely they were in the UA

    Likely they were in the UA sediments to some degree, just not seen. When the animal was originally seen, an inhouse UA and CS was performed. There was a Sediment done at that time in house, but no fungal elements were noted. Mira Vista would have been the way to go according to the VIN article and a pathologist friend of mine.

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