Cardiogenic cough versus lower airway disease
Included are clips and some stills of a 6 1/2 year old, 31.4Kg, male neutered Labrador Retriever presented for a worsening cough over two weeks duration. Radiographs revealed a more generalized interstitial lung pattern with small dispersed areas revealing alveolar patterns. Heart appeared normal in size to slightly enlarged. Blood work was uneventful. Ultrasound was…
Echo Interpretation 2
Echo Interpretation
Billy is a 12 year old Pomeranian with a grade 2-3/6 HSM. Chest X-rays indicate R sided heart enlargement. I suggested an echo to the owner and she agreed.
Echo Image Quality
I have an Esaote My Lab 30 gold. I have been doing more echoes lately but I am a bit frustrated. When I try to image the heart base my images are rather dark. I have increased the gain but that only helps so much till I get noise. I do use the “Adjust” button.…