Tag: Gastric

Home » Gastric
  • Vomiting Dog

    Vomiting Dog

    Honey is a 10 year old Border Collie with a history of vomiting of 24 hour duration and some weight loss. Vitals were WNL with maybe just mild anterior abdominal pain upon palpation. X-rays and lab work were taken. The labs were normal except for a mild stress leukogram and mildly elevatd Alk Ptase. X-rays…

  • Feline with Chronic Vomiting and Pica

    Feline with Chronic Vomiting and Pica

    Penny is a 9 year old male DSH with a history of chronic intermittent vomiting and pica. Labs were totally normal. I would like an opinion on the still images of Penny’s stomach.  

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