Tag: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Home » Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Diastolic dysfunction and heart rate

    2 1/2-year-old spayed cat. Required butorphenol sedation. It had a mild effect. Heart rate rarely went below 200bpm. Cardiac measures were WNL. Mitral inflow was evaluated with pulsed Doppler, with the sweep speed increased to discern the E and A waves. The heart rate noted on the ECG is not correct on that picture. IVRT…

  • Is a HCM phenotype diagnosis warranted?

    Provided are some pics of an 8kg, 11 year old female spayed DMH presented for ultrasound. Pre-surgical blood work revealed a blood glucose of 15.1 with normal renal values. ECG suggested widening of the QRS complex and right axis deviation possibly normal variation. A SNAP pro BNP was abnormal. A thyroid test was not performed.…

  • HCM with dynamic outflow tract obstruction

    This is a 7-year-old male neutered DSH cat presented for bought’ of open mouth breathing following exercise. A 2/6 systolic murmur and an abnormal SNAP pro BNP was noted. Blood work was normal, BCS is 7/9. Ultrasound revealed mild to moderate hypertrophy of the left ventricle with a prominent septal base along with SAM. Dynamic…

  • HCM or not? Systolic anterior motion

    One-year 6-month old scottish fold male was presented for lameness examination of the hind limb. Grade 2 parasternal heart murmur was heard. The cats seems to have HCM phenotype, probably just the beginning. There seems to be systolic anterior motion also. Can you please confirm if there is SAM and this cat has HCM phenotype? …

  • Cardiac vs non-cardiac disease

    Cardiac vs non-cardiac disease

    I would like to refer to a post that I made on June 29, 2016 https://sonopath.com/forum/non-cardiogenic-pulmonary-edema-0 I continued to treat Gnosi with a relatively low dose of furosemide. He stayed stable but his RRR never really dipped much below the high 30’s and most of the time was in the 40’s. I repeated X-rays and…

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