Tomy a mixed female/spayed 12 years young comes due to sudden onset of PD, owners not sure she pees more or not 1.5kg weight loss in the last 5 months vomits when weed eating (can be every day but only if she eats weed) SG 1012 AMYL 1692 LIPASE 4538 CREA 1.4 CA 9.6 DO…
Is it pyelonephritis
7-year-old DSH cat with previous history of CKD was presented with 3-week history of extreme hyporexia and 2kg of weight loss. Blood test showed renal azotemia, creatinie, 7mg/dL, urea 160mg/dL, amylase >4000. Phosphorus >20. USG of 1.015. FPLi levels were abnormal on snap test. Both kidneys show loss of corticomedullary distinction, are hyperechoic and fall…
Pancreatitis and odd cyst and duodenal lesion
Chihuahua, FS, 10 years, 10.6#,
Hi, this is Chiquita.
Eli is a 16 year old DSH with a recent history of vomiting. Lab results: abnormals ALP 74 (12-59) SPECfPL: 3.8 (3.6-5.3- cat may have pancreatitis) UA: 3+ hematuria 4+ protein. No bacteria noted and no WBC’s. MIC is pending.