Right sided DCM or PHT ?
Hi everyone, I’d love to hear your opinion on this case. 10 yo, female Staffy with ascites. Abdominal ultrasound normal appart from ascites and passive hepatic congestion. Echo: marked RV and RA dilation with eccentric hypertrophy. RV looks hypokinetic. How do we assess RV function? Do we use EF or FS as in the LV?…
DCM + MMVD + PHT (!) – How would you treat it?
Hi, 13yo MI Dalmatian with previously diagnosed hypothyroidism presented with ascitis. Echo shows: Dilated heart (suspected DCM, or at least DCM phenotype heart) + myxomatous mitral valve disease with moderate regurgitation + severe tricuspid regurgitation suggestive of severe pulmonary hypertensionv + multiple multifocal VPCs. Very low FS% (18%, with very hypokinetic LVPW). No know respiratory…