Tag: PSS

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  • PSS? Portal Vein Hypoplasia?!

    Hi everyone, Here it goes: German Shepherd, 6yo, MC, with history of ascites, peripheral edema, hypoalbuminemia (as low as 1,1-1,9 g/dL), low creatinine and urea, mild elevation of liver enzymes, intermitent diarrhea, for the last 2-3 months. Bile acids are extremely increased (165 fasting [Normal 0-0,8 umol/L], 170 postprandial [Normal 0-30 umol/L]). My differentials before…

  • Intrahepatic shunt VS portal vein hypoplasia

    Intrahepatic shunt VS portal vein hypoplasia

    Hazel is a 1 y 5 m FS Labradoodle who had an episode of collapse with pale mm, weak and shocky about 1 week ago. Was treated with IV fluids IV dexamethasone, benadryl and cerenia. She responded to treatment but not completely back to herself. ACTH stim was done at time of episode and had…

  • Is there a liver shunt?

    These are images and clips from an abdominal ultrasound on Kate Edwards, a 3 month old mini English Bulldog.  She presented for inappropriate urination.  U/a revealed 21-50 Ammonium Biurate Crystals per HPF, u.s.g = 1.043, pH = 6.0, remainder of u/a wnl. Superchem/cbc abnormals: ALP = 139 (5-131), P = 10.7 (2.5-6.0), BUN/Creat ratio =…

  • Elevated ALT after previous PSS ligation

    Shadow is a 6 year old MN, Miniature schnauzer 14#. Pet had a PSS which was reported as a vessel coming off the the gastric vessel and entering the caudal vena cava. His liver enymes returned to normal as did bile acids. The surgery was done several years ago. Currently has a mild elevated ALT on…

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