Tag: Splenic mass

Home » Splenic mass
  • Quadrate liver lobe? Double splenic body?

    12 year old FS Beagle. Presented due to some gastric foreign material, but had some additional ultrasound findings. Blood work GGT 29, rest WNL. In the liver mass videos, can you discern if this is the quadrate lobe from the provided dorsal views? And in the splenic video, am I looking at a redundant splenic…

  • FNA

    I saw the thread on FNA and had to tell you about a horrible day I had today. 1st time this has happened to me. Rosebud was a 14 year old cocker that I did an ultrasound on today. I am posting the cine of the spleen. She was one of my favorite Cocker Spaniels.…

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