Tag: Stomach

Home » Stomach
  • Strong shadowing gastric contents

    Hope 10 yr FS, Chihuahua mix, 15.14 pounds presented with chronic history of intermittent vomiting and weight loss, recently last two months has been having copraphagia. Has a distended abdomen on physical exam, radiographs indicated significant  distension of stomach with soft tissue opacity and amorphous granular material in the fundic region. ALT elevated 129, ALP elevated 520, GGT elevated…

  • Vomiting Dog

    Vomiting Dog

    Honey is a 10 year old Border Collie with a history of vomiting of 24 hour duration and some weight loss. Vitals were WNL with maybe just mild anterior abdominal pain upon palpation. X-rays and lab work were taken. The labs were normal except for a mild stress leukogram and mildly elevatd Alk Ptase. X-rays…

  • Hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis or neoplasia?

    Zia is 6YO spayed female greyhound. She presented at the emergency clinic for acute bloody diarrhea and vomiting. She was hemoconcentrated with mild liver enzyme elevation and hypokalemia. No history of toxin, chemical, medication or foreign body ingestion.  PCV 66, ALT 1136, ALP 139, Cpl negative. There was a small pocket of free fluid lateral…

  • Vomitng Blood

    Vomitng Blood

    Indy was a 13 1/2 year old Keeshound with a 2 1/2 week history of vomiting. More recently vomiting blood. Generalized changes in the lungs with severe tachypnea and cyanosis. I did an ultraound of the abdomen. I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the the changes seen in and around the…

  • Vomitng Blood

    Vomitng Blood

    Indy was a 13 1/2 year old Keeshound with a 2 1/2 week history of vomiting. More recently vomiting blood. Generalized changes in the lungs with severe tachypnea and cyanosis. I did an ultraound of the abdomen. I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the the changes seen in and around the…

  • Vomitng Blood

    Vomitng Blood

    Indy was a 13 1/2 year old Keeshound with a 2 1/2 week history of vomiting. More recently vomiting blood. Generalized changes in the lungs with severe tachypnea and cyanosis. I did an ultraound of the abdomen. I was wondering if I could get your opinion on the the changes seen in and around the…

  • Stomach mass??

    Stomach mass??
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