Chronic vomiting cat that has been on and off of prednisolone. Vomiting and lethargy have been worse lately.
Radiographs raised concern for an abdominal mass in the right mid abdomen
Bloodwork was unremarkable
Abdominal ultrasound shows a thickened, highly echogenic submuscularis layer. There also appears to be echogenic fat adjacent to the gastric wall. The ileal muscularis layer is also slightly thickened.
I know that the submucosa can be thickened and echogenic in cats, however, this seems exagerated to me. The serosal wall also appears peculiar to me.
What are your thoughts onthis gastric wall and adjacent fat?
Most likely chronic IBD with emerging lymphoma an important differential. With the hyperechogenic fat and serosa would considered some degree of loss of wall integrity.
2 responses to “Thick submucosal layer in a cat”
Most likely chronic IBD with
Most likely chronic IBD with emerging lymphoma an important differential. With the hyperechogenic fat and serosa would considered some degree of loss of wall integrity.
Thank you, that is what I was
Thank you, that is what I was concerned about.